As co-chairs of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Privacy, Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Unmanned Aircraft Systems Working Group (DHS Working Group), we are pleased to present these best practices, which reflect DHS’ experiences in building unmanned aircraft system programs founded on strong privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties protections. Unmanned aircraft systems are an essential tool in DHS’s border security mission and present a great deal of promise for assisting first responders and improving situational awareness. These best practices represent an optimal approach to protecting individual rights that is influenced by U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) ten years of experience using unmanned aircraft systems as a tool in protecting and securing the Nation’s borders.
We are sharing these reflections broadly, recognizing that government entities (including CBP) have various limitations based upon their respective missions, operating characteristics, and legal authorities, and that many of the considerations that apply to our agency may not be applicable or appropriate for other entities. The DHS Working Group neither proposes nor intends that this document regulate any other government entity. Our goal, rather, is simply to share the best practices we have identified as helping to sustain privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties throughout the lifecycle of an unmanned aircraft systems program.
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