Respect your data. Avoid Magna Carta-level mistakes by collecting only the data you need for your product and making sure that your algorithms and data use protect users andavoid replicating real world biases.
Create a secure data ecosystem. Security isn’t just about outside threats – companies need to limit internal access to data to avoid Uber-embarrassment, incorporate encryption for data collection and storage to prevent disastrous breaches, and collaborate with security researchers to protect users.
Be transparent about practices. Clear descriptions of privacy practices are essential to avoiding PR disasters, whether the product is a music streaming service, a useful app, or a connected “Internet of Things” device.
Encourage speech by empowering users. Companies can create cohesive communities and avoid harmful, speech-chilling harassment by creating platforms with tools that empower users, account policies that respect user identities, and narrow rules focused on bad behavior rather than content censorship.
Fight for your users. Companies that support user privacy and speech protections routinely receive praise, while those that seek to limit how products are used or that fold to legal demands lose the trust of users and public alike.
By Nicole A. Ozer
read full article at ACLU