Thursday, August 3, 2017

Ireland adopts Europe's lowest age limit for digital consent #GDPR

Children's Ombudsman, Dr Niall Muldoon, says: "Setting the digital age of consent at 13 years of age takes a more realistic view of children and young people’s internet use, and of the integral role that the online environment plays in their lives. 

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Friday, July 28, 2017

Hellenic Association of Data Protection & Privacy

Hellenic Association of Data Protection & Privacy is a non-profit group of professionals with a passion to exchange, analyze, communicate and educate on the ongoing issues of data protection, privacy and security. 

HADPP aims to raise public awareness on potential risks, to acknowledge vulnerabilities and help improve business response and standards to data protection through multidisciplinary practice and collaborative information. So we follow a hands-on approach by both advising and also making practical suggestions, especially on upcoming legal framework (GDPR, DPOs, PIAs, PETs, ePrivacy, accountability etc.) 

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The lady (or man) vanishes: The thorny issue of #GDPR coding

#GDPR gives customers ("data subjects" in #privacy lingo) new rights that experts say will create thorny technical problems for companies. 

Europe's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now less than a year away, coming into effect in May 2018, and any legal or compliance department worth its salary should already have been making waves about what it means for your organisation. 

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Retail data breaches still high as #GDPR deadline looms

More than eight out of 10 retailers consider themselves vulnerable to #data threats, and 37% say they are “very” or “extremely” vulnerable, according to the 2017. | #GDPR

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How SMEs can prepare for the General Data Protection Regulation

The simplicity of the name should not disguise the impact. The General Data Protection Regulation #GDPR comes into law across #EU member states from May 2018 and is set to profoundly alter the way SMEs manage and structure their customer and employee #data. Non-compliance is not an option! 

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The #GDPR: Data Protection Officers

The DPO should be a professional with expert knowledge of data protection law and practice..The Article 29 Working Party have identified particular personal qualities, such as integrity and high professional ethics, that a #DPO must have so he/she is able to fulfil the tasks required under the #GDPR. 

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Social Media Intelligence

Social media intelligence (SOCMINT) refers to the techniques and technologies that allow companies or governments to monitor social media networking sites (SNSs), such as #Facebook or #Twitter. 

Intelligence and surveillance activities have transformed in recent years, in part due to the increased amount of data being generated about people, which has been enabled through new forms of data collection and processing. SOCMINT is a form of overt and covert surveillance increasingly used by governments and non-state actors. 

The term 'social media intelligence’ is often used interchangeably with the term ‘open source intelligence’. However, there is a key difference between the two forms of intelligence collection. SOCMINT can be deployed on content that is private or public, while OSINT is about strictly publicly available content, such as articles, news sites, or blog posts, published in print and on the open internet and clearly intended and available for everyone to read and watch. SOCMINT requires more specific regulation, policies and safeguards that take into account the very unique and specific nature of social media: a privately-owned space (i.e. owned by private companies) where people share freely. 


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#Google 'right to be forgotten' case goes to top EU court

#Google has worked with European authorities on implementing the policy since 2014, when the ECJ ruled that Europeans can ask any search engine to remove some results returned from a search for the person's name.

Initially, however, Google only scrubbed results from its European websites, arguing it would set a dangerous precedent to interfere with the search results in countries with different laws. France's data-protection authority, the #CNIL, subsequently told Google that once it accepts a delisting, it must remove results from all domains, including those outside Europe and

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#Drones to be registered and users to sit safety tests under new government rules in UK

Drones will have to be registered and users will have to sit safety awareness tests under new rules to better regulate their growing use, the government announced today (22 July 2017).

Owners of drones weighing 250 grams and over will in future have to register details of their drones to improve accountability and encourage owners to act responsibly.

Users may be able to register online or through apps, under plans being explored by the government. The move follows safety research that concluded drones could damage the windscreens of helicopters.

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Ten months today GDPR becomes law.

Providing accessible information about how you'll use people's data is a key part of #GDPR. 

Being transparent and providing accessible information to individuals about how you will use their personal data is a key element of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The most common way to provide this information is in a privacy notice. 

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PNR: EU Court rules that draft EU/Canada air passenger data deal is unacceptable

Joe McNamee, Executive Director of European Digital Rights said: “Reckless data retention and profiling have no place in a democratic, law-based society. Literally every independent body that has spoken out on the subject supports this analysis. The European Commission and EU Member States must now, at long last, take all necessary steps to abandon all illegal data retention laws and practices.” 

read it here: