Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"Feds only have themselves to blame for Apple and Google's smartphone encryption efforts"

For the past two weeks, federal agencies and the executive branch have launched a cacophony of critique of Apple and Google for bolstering the encryption on their users' smartphones.

Secret loopholes drive NSA's 'unrestrained surveillance' on Americans
Thanks to a three-decade-old secret executive order, Fourth Amendment protections against warrantless domestic surveillance is not as strong as first thought.
That, the opposition camp says, will result in drug dealers, pedophiles, identity thieves, and other violent criminals evading capture, leading to an uptick in crime. That will affect millions of Americans who each year are classified as victims of theft and robbery, violence, and sexual crimes.
Made up of the FBI and the NSA, the outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, and members of Congress, they are calling for laws to be changed, and Apple and Google to face sanctions for their privacy protections.

read full article at ZDnet

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