Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess whether the proposed
creation of a joint venture between three collective rights management
organisations (CMOs) in the online licensing of musical works is in line with
the EU Merger Regulation. The CMOs contributing to the joint venture are PRSfM
of the UK, STIM of Sweden and GEMA of Germany. CMOs manage the copyrights of
authors, performers and writers of musical works.
They also grant licences on
their behalf and redistribute the royalties collected from the exploitation of
their copyrights. The Commission’s preliminary investigation indicated that the
combination of the music repertoires currently controlled by each of PRSfM,
STIM and GEMA could result in higher prices and worsened commercial conditions
for digital service providers (DSPs) in the EEA. This could lead, ultimately,
to higher prices and less choice for European consumers of digital music. DSPs
provide online services to final customers, such as music downloading or
streaming and to operate on the market they need licences delivered by CMOs.
Moreover, the Commission has concerns that the transaction may reduce
competition in the EEA for certain copyright administration services since it
would reduce the number of meaningful market players from four to two.
read full article at Europa
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