The Corporate Accountability Index 2015 ranked 16 international technology and telecommunications companies on their commitment to human rights including privacy and freedom of expression.
To compile the digital rights ranking, researchers combed through user agreements, privacy policies, terms of service and corporate reports of companies such as Facebook, Vodaphone and Bharti Airtel.
Google ranked the highest, followed by Yahoo, while the Asian telecommunications company Axiata and the Emirates-based Etisalat ranked lowest.
Rebecca MacKinnon is the director of Ranking Digital Rights, the non-profit research initiative behind the study. MacKinnon has long been active in the fields of freedom of expression and privacy, and is a founding member of the Global Voices Online citizen media network. She is also the author of Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom, which came out in 2012.
To compile the digital rights ranking, researchers combed through user agreements, privacy policies, terms of service and corporate reports of companies such as Facebook, Vodaphone and Bharti Airtel.
Google ranked the highest, followed by Yahoo, while the Asian telecommunications company Axiata and the Emirates-based Etisalat ranked lowest.
Rebecca MacKinnon is the director of Ranking Digital Rights, the non-profit research initiative behind the study. MacKinnon has long been active in the fields of freedom of expression and privacy, and is a founding member of the Global Voices Online citizen media network. She is also the author of Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom, which came out in 2012.
read full article at DW
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