Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Slowly but surely, standards on the way for Internet of Things (a battle between telecoms and tech companies?)

It looks like a battle is shaping up between the telecoms and the tech companies as to what kinds of standards to apply to the emerging Internet of Things.

As observed in a report by Daniel Thomas in The Financial Times, "an intense battle is developing between technology and telecoms groups" for market domination of the Internet of Things. Companies from across the spectrum, including Vodafone, Google and Arm, are vying for leading roles in the IoT market, which Gartner says will be worth $300 billion in the next six years. 

So, with all these vendors jumping into what looks like a lucrative space, will standards evolve to make it all work? Or will we finally get everyone on the same page, as we did with the Internet of Words and Pictures?

read full article at ZDnet

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