The European Commission welcomes the judgment of the EU General Court (case T-272/12),
dismissing an appeal by Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH) and its
subsidiary EP Investment Advisors (EPIA) against a €2.5 million fine the Commission imposed on them in 2012.
EPH and EPIA were fined for obstructing a Commission inspection in an
antitrust investigation, by failing to block an email account and
diverting incoming emails. The judgment sends a clear message to
companies that any steps that undermine the integrity and effectiveness
of inspections, including tampering with data stored electronically, are
illegal and will be sanctioned.
The Court confirmed that the
Commission was right to consider both the failure to block an e-mail
account and the diversion of incoming emails as serious breaches of EPH
and EPIA's obligation to cooperate with the Commission during the
inspection. In line with previous case law (cases T-141/08 and C-89/11P),
the Court held that these two incidents constitute an obstruction in
themselves; the Commission does not need to show that any document was
actually removed or manipulated.
The Commission welcomes the
Court's findings, because obstructions of inspections can severely
undermine competition enforcement. The judgment makes clear that the
Commission is entitled to impose appropriate and deterrent sanctions for
companies' conduct that may result in destroying evidence of antitrust
infringements, irrespective of whether it is stored in paper or
electronic form.
read full article at European Commission
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