Monday, December 1, 2014

Mergers: Commission approves aerospace and defence joint venture between Airbus and Safran, subject to conditions

The European Commission has concluded that the proposed creation of a joint venture for space launchers, satellite subsystems and missile propulsion between Airbus Group N.V. of The Netherlands and Safran S.A. of France is in line with the EU Merger Regulation. Both Airbus and Safran are active in the aerospace and defence industries. The decision is conditional upon the exclusion of Safran's activities in electric satellite thrusters from the joint venture, as well as on certain supply assurance commitments. 

The Commission had concerns that the joint venture could have shut out Airbus' competitors or limited their access to certain supplies, as well as transmitted strategic information to Airbus. The commitments offered by Airbus and Safran address these concerns.  

On 8 October 2014, Airbus and Safran notified plans to create a joint venture to which they would contribute their respective activities in space launchers, satellite subsystems and missile propulsion. In addition, Airbus and Safran intend to acquire, at a later stage, control over the satellite launch operator Arianespace. However, this would be a separate transaction and today's decision neither takes it into account nor prejudges the possible assessment of such a transaction in the future.

read full article at European Commission

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