Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"Facebook, Blogs and Rights"

Four writers (not all of us lawyers) are trying to describe and analyze the fundamental issues of the Internet and the Social Media, under the scope of the freedom of expression, the data protection and privacy, the e-communications regulations and the general social behavior.

Our effort is to answer some basic questions using simple examples from  the legal framework and the related case-law:
-          Are the Electronic Social Media and Blogs a replica of our real life or it is a rather uncharted new land where our rights cannot be (self)limited?
-          Do we have to accept a significant change to the “freedom of expression” as we know it?
-          Who is entitled to draw boundaries to the electronic communication or to impose penalties?
-          Is it expected that anything we say in the virtual world shall be used against us?

Our book is part of the “Law and Society in the 21st Century” series published by Sakkoulas Publications S.A. 

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