Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hackers are winning the cyber crime war, says new study

"... It is a continuation of a number of reports on cyber security that have been published in recent months after a series of mass attacks hit a number of websites, including most recently eBay and Spotify, where millions of users accounts were hacked by outside sources.

 The study surveyed some 500 officials from American businesses, law enforcement agencies as well as government agencies and claims if a hacker wants to get into a website and garner personal and private data, little can be done to stop them as the hackers boast more advanced technology and background.

"Despite substantial investments in cybersecurity technologies, cyber criminals continue to find ways to circumvent these technologies in order to obtain sensitive information that they can monetize," Ed Lowery, who heads the U.S. Secret Service's criminal investigative division, said in a written statement.

He argued more action needs to be taken by companies as well as the government effort needs to have "a radically different approach to cybersecurity," which goes beyond antivirus software, training employees, working closely with contractors and setting up tighter processes..."

full article at Tech Times

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