Thursday, May 29, 2014

Information security is even more vital for the internet of things era

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the term in vogue for the technology sector, referring to internet-connected devices from fitness wristbands to connected cars. But once we're fully connected, who is responsible for governing the flow of data between our linked-up devices?

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the connectors for the IoT, allowing our devices to speak to each other. However, APIs are the dark matter of the internet – end users are not aware that they are there. But APIs are everywhere: when a fitness wristband sends your jogging time to a website – that uses an API; when you remotely unlock a car with a mobile app – that uses an API; when you remotely change the temperature in your home thermostat from your office – that uses an API. These APIs must be managed and secured.

Businesses need to monitor the lifecycle of data from the second a customer supplies you with their details, or accesses a device, to when they leave.

full article at

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