Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"Data protection key to cloud in financial services: DirectAsia.com CIO" (go Europe ... go!)

Direct insurance business DirectAsia.com launched in Singapore in 2010, aiming to disrupt traditional Asian insurance models, bypass agents, and deal direct with the customer.  After the successful launch, it expanded into Hong Kong in 2012, and Thailand the following year.  The acquisition by specialist insurer, Hiscox, at the end of Q1 2014, signalled the start of a new chapter in DirectAsia.com's development.

Following the acquisition, Managing Director Simon Birch reflected in a blog post on the initial aims of the business, and made clear how important IT was to the success of the business model.  ''We set to work on building from scratch a company with world-class service processes, segmentation and IT that would out-do the old incumbents who were dependent on legacy systems and traditional processes."

ZDNet recently caught up with CIO Jean-Marc Henaff, the man responsible for the world-class IT that was to "out-do the old incumbents," to talk about where cloud fits in the company's strategy.

read full article at ZDNet

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