A labour relations tribunal has upheld the firing of a civil servant
who used his government computer to indulge his car obsession, complain
about his job, store electronic music files, and attempt to cheat on
staffing competitions.
In a recent decision,
the Public Service Labour Relations Board said the government had just
cause to fire Marc Gravelle, a human resources assistant in the
Department of Justice, in July 2011.
Gravelle had argued that the government did not prove its case
against him and that his abrupt dismissal ignored the principle of
progressive discipline.
Adjudicator Renaud Paquet, however, concluded that Gravelle had
severed the bond of trust that must exist between the government and one
of its employees.
“As a human resources assistant, he had access to confidential documents related to competitive processes,” Paquet ruled.
“He used that privilege for his own purposes and sent confidential
documents to his home address. That constitutes a lack of integrity and
very serious misconduct.”
read full article at Otawa Citizen
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