The European
Commission has cleared the proposed acquisition of Grupo Corporativo ONO
("ONO") by Vodafone Group Plc under the EU Merger Regulation. Both
companies provide fixed and mobile telecommunications services in Spain.
The Commission concluded that the transaction would not raise
competition concerns, as the parties' activities are largely
complementary: ONO's main activity is related to fixed telecoms, whereas
Vodafone is mainly active in mobile telecoms.
and ONO's activities overlap in a number of markets in the fixed and
mobile telecommunications markets in Spain. However, the Commission
found that the impact of the transaction on these markets is likely to
be limited as the combined entity would continue to face significant
competition from other market players, such as the incumbent operator
Telefónica, and other operators such as Orange and Jazztel.
transaction also gives rise to a number of vertical and conglomerate
relationships in the fixed and mobile telecommunication markets in
Spain, in particular in relation to the provision of bundled multiple
play services.
However, the Commission's
investigation indicated that the merged entity will not be able to shut
out fixed or mobile operators from the markets for multiple play
services, because of the availability of alternative operators and the
regulatory obligations in relation to wholesale access on mobile and
fixed services.
The Commission therefore concluded that the transaction would not significantly impede effective competition in Spain.
read full statement at European Commission
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