Wednesday, May 28, 2014

EUROPA - State aid: Commission adopts new General Block Excemption that favours #broadband funding under 70m

What are the main new elements of GBER?

The adoption of an amended Enabling Regulation (see IP/13/728) enabled the Commission to exempt more categories of aid from the notification requirement.
In line with its experience and decision making practice and after a public consultation (see IP/13/736), the Commission has included the following new categories of aid in the GBER:
- aid to innovation clusters and aid to process and organisational innovation,
- aid schemes to make good the damage caused by natural disasters,
- social aid for transport residents of remote regions,
- aid for culture and heritage conservation, including aid schemes for audio-visual works,
- aid for sport and multifunctional recreational infrastructures,
- investment aid for local infrastructure. 

- aid for broadband infrastructure,

The GBER exempts aid to “white” and “white NGA” areas (i.e. areas where no relevant broadband operator exists or is likely to invest in the next three years), but excludes block exemption for aid to “grey” or "grey NGA areas", where potential competition concerns need to be analysed very carefully. The requirements of an open tender for selecting the beneficiaries of aid, of fair and non-discriminatory wholesale access to the supported network and of full and effective unbundling ensure maximum competitive benefits. This category of aid should be seen in connection with the Commission's broadband guidelines (see IP/12/1424). 

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