Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Forget Me Not - What the EU's New Internet Privacy Ruling Means for the United States

"... Americans -- who usually prize free speech over privacy -- may find this turn of events upsetting. European officials can now tell U.S. businesses -- and Washington -- what information they can and cannot disseminate about European citizens. Yet Americans’ reflexive distaste for speech regulation should not blind them to realities. First, free speech isn’t what it used to be: U.S. courts are increasingly redefining it as a right to corporate bad behavior, striking down economic regulation in the name of free speech. Second, Europeans have legitimate human rights concerns. As technology expert Bruce Schneier has warned, surveillance is the business model of the Internet, and Europeans have no choice but to reshape this business model to accommodate individuals’ privacy rights, if those rights are to have any meaning..."

By Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman
full article at

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