Thursday, May 29, 2014

Security and privacy? Now they can go hand in hand

"Online identification and authentication keeps transactions secure on the Internet, however this has also implications for your privacy. Disclosing more personal information than needed online when, say, you log in to your bank website may simplify the bank’s security at the cost of your privacy. 
Now, thanks to research by the EU-funded project Attribute-based Credentials for Trust (ABC4Trust), there is a new approach that keeps systems secure and protects your identity. 

Users want Privacy, Organisations want Security
According to recent research by market research organisation, Ovum, 68 % of us in the EU would like to opt out of having our personal data tracked. In a speech in May, Commissioner Neelie Kroes stressed that it is essential for EU business ‘To show the citizen that going online is not just convenient, but trustworthy... With resilient and secure networks and systems I think we can build that trust.’

New ways of managing online identities that increase privacy while maintaining security are now a high priority for businesses and citizens alike. ABC4Trust makes this as easy as ABC."


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