Friday, June 13, 2014

Cookies hard to chew... "Netherlands: CBP’s First Cookie Law Investigation: YD Violates Privacy Rules And Telecommunication Rules"

The online advertising agency YD Display Advertising Benelux (YD) violates Dutch privacy and telecommunication rules by using personal data for the behavioural targeting of internet users without their consent. This is the conclusion of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens, CBP) after it investigated YD's processing of personal data. The CBP found that YD places tracking cookies with visitors to their websites to show personalised advertisements. Although the cookie rules came into force in the Netherlands in early June 2012, they had not yet been enforced. This is the first time that the CBP has conducted an investigation into the placement of cookies. Companies (that have not yet done so) are advised to review their use of cookies and, where required, ask for the visitor's prior consent.

Under the Dutch Telecommunications Act (Telecommunicatiewet), cookies that are placed on, or read from, a website visitor's computer require informed prior opt-in consent before being placed. The principle of informed prior consent does not apply to functional cookies, e.g. cookies that are used solely for facilitating the technical communication over a network or that are strictly necessary for providing a service requested by the website visitor. Cookies that are not exempt are, for example, social media plug-in cookies, third party advertising cookies and tracking cookies. If the placement of cookies also involves the processing of personal data, the Data Protection Act (Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens) additionally applies. Under the Data Protection Act, a legal basis for the processing of personal data is required, which is often found in the unambiguous consent of the visitor.

by Lokke Moerel, Wanne Pemmelaar and Alex van der Wolk read full article at Mondaq

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