Wednesday, June 18, 2014

"Reding says that US Safe Harbor changes nearly agreed" (maybe this time will be more efficient...)

 Following suggestions made by the EU Commission last summer, the EU and the US are about to agree on how the Safe Harbor framework will be revised.

Viviane Reding, EU Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, said on 6 June: “I think that 95% of what could be agreed - has been. There are the last sticking 5%, which are not yet agreed, which concern the judicial redress. For example, when Americans come to Europe and they think the authorities have not handled their case correctly, they can go to a European court. However an EU citizen cannot do the same in the US and go to an American court. There is no reciprocity; we do not have the basis for judicial redress. You cannot make an agreement if you do not have judicial redress. The US has recognised the importance of this request on several occasions - but they need to have a law."

Reding will meet Eric Holder, US Attorney General, on 25 June to discuss this point. She indicated that once this question has been solved, all the 13 points made by the EU Commission last year will have been addressed in a positive way.

read full article at 

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