Thursday, June 19, 2014

EU hopes 5G partnership with South Korea will drag it back into mobile lead (!)

The European Union is forming a joint research partnership with South Korea to focus on ultrafast “5G” mobile broadband technology.

 South Korea is one of the most advanced countries in mobile technology usage and infrastructure, with one of the fastest mobile broadband networks currently available, and home to Samsung, the world’s biggest smartphone manufacturer.

 "5G will become the new lifeblood of the digital economy and digital society once it is established," the EU commissioner for telecoms Neelie Kroes said in a statement on Monday.

 The EU estimates that a 5G internet connection will allow users to a high-definition movie in six seconds, versus up to six minutes with current 4G technology – which has only just begun to achieve substantial adoption in Europe. Current 4G technology can already achieve download speeds of 150 megabits per second, with future versions able to achieve 1 gigabit per second; 5G would offer substantially more, though no standard has been set.

read full article at The Guardian

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