Internet-of-Things is a thing. If you haven’t heard about it yet, get
ready because we’re in the early stages of an explosion of technology
that will connect, monitor, and in some cases share almost every aspect
of our lives. Fortinet conducted a
survey of consumers to find out what people think about the security
and privacy concerns of the Internet-of-Things.
The survey, titled “Internet of Things: Connected Home,” was produced
in partnership with GMI, a division of Lightspeed Research. More than
1,800 consumers between the ages of 20 and 50 who claim to be tech savvy
participated in the survey, which was administered in 11 countries
around the world, including the United States, Australia, China,
Germany, India, and the United Kingdom.
The majority of those surveyed believe that a connected home—a home
in which household appliances and home electronics are seamlessly
connected to the Internet—is “extremely likely” to be a reality in the
next five years. The actual number was 61 percent in the United States,
and an overwhelming 84 percent in China.
Four out of 10 people indicated they’d be willing to pay more for a
home that was optimized to take advantage of IoT technologies (nearly
half if you include the “maybe” group). Half of those surveyed also said
they’d be willing to pay more for better Internet service capable of
smoothly handling an
IoT connected home environment. Fewer than 20
percent of respondents from the United States stated they would
absolutely not pay more for Internet service to accommodate IoT.
by Tony Bradley
read full article at PcWorld
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