It knows how far I drive every day, the time of day I’m driving, how quickly I accelerate to get on to the highway and which highway that was. The wireless GPS monitor goes with the Desjardins Insurance Ajusto program which was launched in Ontario last May.
I’ve been testing the device to see how much I might save by exchanging some privacy in return for a discount based on my driving habits. So far, I’m looking at about $150 a year and I’m not sure whether the tradeoff is worth it.
I’m not alone in that. Desjardins has added 50,000 new customers in the past year and only four in ten are opting for Ajusto, despite an incentive of 10 per cent off in the first year just for trying it.
Ajusto is the first of a new tier of car insurance products coming your way. Companies are using wireless technology to monitor how you drive and sell you products based on that. In exchange for personal information, you’ll get a better deal.
By Adam Mayers
read full article at The Star
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