Friday, June 13, 2014

Do it the EFF's way... "In Harm's Way: The Dangers of a World Without Net Neutrality"

... If the FCC embraces rules that allow wealthy incumbent companies to reach users at faster speeds, the services we see in the future could be the same companies that are popular today.  But what about the service we don’t know about yet?  Will they be able to gain a foothold?  Many startups and investors suggest the answer is no.

In other words, when ISPs have the ability to pick Internet “winners,” we all lose. And the scary part is that the harms might not be easy to locate, because we won’t even know what we’re missing.

The Internet is one of the greatest things humanity has ever created, and who knows what we’ll be able to do with it next.  Let’s make sure there will always be plenty of room for the unexpected, by making certain no new business or service has to make a special deal to be able to meaningfully connect to users.

read full article at EFF

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