Sunday, June 1, 2014

Another privacy threat: DNS logging and how to avoid it

As if you didn't already have enough privacy problems to worry about, a recent expose by Stacey Higginbotham at GigaOm explains how AT&T is dredging DNS records and selling the results to would-be advertisers -- unless AT&T customers pay for it to stop.

DNS logging is widespread, even in places where you might not expect it. Even if you use a VPN, there's at least one weak point in the chain where VPN server DNS hits are logged, and could potentially be tracked back, rerouted, or blocked entirely. A new service from Golden Frog offers zero DNS logging -- for a price.

For those of you who are sufficiently paranoid, VyprVPN and VyprDNS may help. For example, if you or your company is concerned about eavesdropping on Skype conversations -- tell me again, how do you spell "NSA"? -- running through VyprVPN eliminates several potential points of access. If you find yourself logging on from countries with governments that may want to block certain kinds of access, snoop, or insert themselves into the middle of your conversations, VyprDNS certainly makes their job considerably more difficult.

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