Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Europe needs an ambitious digital agenda

"... Five years ago, the lack of knowledge about the working of technology in the European Parliament was such that I organised a series of workshops called Nerds in the Parliament. Expert speakers discussed with MEPs topics such as copyright, what happens when you press 'send' of an email, and the blocking of websites. It was mainly thanks to the rapid digital developments during the past 5 years that the European Parliament has been forced to get up to speed when it comes to topics related to the digital agenda.

The European Parliament must take its responsibility to make Europe the smartest and most connected continent. Currently, digital issues are dealt with in a fragmented way. Creating one committee for Digital Affairs and Technology, responsible for all digital themes, from net neutrality to copyright and from cyber security to internet governance, should allow for a better strategizing and for smarter allocation of knowledge and resources. With more focus should come more impact. This should allow us to work towards becoming a global digital leader and to properly steer the work of the next Commissioner for Europe's Digital Agenda..."

Marietje Schaake,  Dutch liberal MEP

read full article at 

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