Tuesday, June 10, 2014

EU says firms like Google and Facebook must meet privacy rules

Companies based outside the European Union must meet Europe's data protection rules, ministers agreed on Friday, although governments remain divided over how to enforce them on companies operating across the bloc.

The agreement to force Internet companies such as Google (GOOGL.O) and Facebook (FB.O) to abide by EU-wide rules is a first step in a wider reform package to tighten privacy laws - an issue that has gained prominence following revelations of U.S. spying in Europe.

Vodafone's (VOD.L) disclosure on Friday of the extent of telephone call surveillance in European countries showed the practice is not limited to the United States. The world's second-largest mobile phone company, Vodafone is headquartered in the United Kingdom.

A "one-stop-shop" arrangement would allow companies to deal exclusively with the data protection authority in the country where it has its main establishment. But governments are concerned about a foreign data protection authority making binding decisions that they would then have to enforce. 

By Julia Fioretti
read full article at Reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/06/us-eu-dataprotection-idUSKBN0EH1ER20140606

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