Thursday, June 19, 2014

Irish judge denies request to investigate Facebook's NSA ties

A High Court judge in Ireland has ruled that Facebook should not be investigated for alleged activities related to the sharing of user data with the US National Security Agency (NSA).

 High Court Justice Gerard Hogan ruled Wednesday that Facebook won't need to face an investigation into its alleged activities, following a ruling made by Ireland's data protection commissioner who said the same. The commissioner argued that while Facebook users have the right to know what's happening with their data, there's no reason to hold an investigation into whether any of it was shared with the NSA.

 Facebook is among several companies, including Apple, Microsoft, and Skype, that have been charged by a group in Europe known as "Europe-v-Facebook (EVF)" with allegedly working with the NSA to provide data on their European users.

read full article at Cnet 

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