Friday, June 20, 2014

“Unlawful’” Gambling Law Poses “New Danger” for Consumers

A new law that establishes the Gambling Commission as the industry’s regulator across the globe not only threatens the safety of consumers online but is unlawful, claims the Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association (GBGA).

Currently, British consumers gamble online with a limited number of licensed operators based in a handful of recognised jurisdictions. Under the proposed new regime the UK is opening the UK market and consumers to operators based anywhere in the world and some of whom will not obtain a licence. The regime will effectively require the Gambling Commission to police the online sector on a worldwide basis. Peter Howitt, Chief Executive of the GBGA argues that this new law, combined with planned tax changes, will drive consumers to the unregulated or poorly regulated market, and so ensure that a significant proportion of UK consumers will be unprotected when they play and bet with foreign operators:

This is bad for UK consumers, bad for the regulated industry, bad for Gibraltar and is in breach of European law, but fantastic news for operators who choose to avoid proper regulation..."

read full article at GBGA

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